You need to stop the PostgreSQL first to change the DATA directory.
service postgresql stop
Now edit the start-up script
vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
Change the PGDATA and PGLOG variable to wherever you want
Create the directory and set the permissions
mkdir -p /home/data/path
chown postgres:postgres /home/data/path
Initialize the database engine
su - postgres -c "initdb -D /path/to/pgdata"
Now start the PostgreSQL
service postgresql start
If you see FAILED and Permission denied message, check SELinux mode.
stop the SELinux OR change the mode enforcing to permissive.
service postgresql stop
Now edit the start-up script
vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
Change the PGDATA and PGLOG variable to wherever you want
Create the directory and set the permissions
mkdir -p /home/data/path
chown postgres:postgres /home/data/path
Initialize the database engine
su - postgres -c "initdb -D /path/to/pgdata"
Now start the PostgreSQL
service postgresql start
If you see FAILED and Permission denied message, check SELinux mode.
stop the SELinux OR change the mode enforcing to permissive.
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